Lately many of us have been feeling the Coronavirus Lazies. The Coronavirus Lazies is the mix of loneliness, depression, worry, and stir-craziness that makes it hard to motivate ourselves to do basic functions like showering, putting on pants, and keeping our homes in any vague semblance of order.
The Pressure to Be Amazing Despite the Coronavirus Lazies
Yet I keep seeing challenges and demands that people use the quarantine time to complete some sort of grand project. These come in the forms of memes and attempts to be motivational from a certain type of self-help guru.

These tell people that they have an obligation to take advantage of this global tragedy to produce something amazing. If instead they fall prey to the Coronavirus Lazies, they should be ashamed of themselves.
Even when advice-givers are less obnoxious about it than that Jeremy Haynes tweet, the message is still the same. I was recently taking a webinar about book marketing, and the instructor acknowledged that we’re all suffering from COVID doldrums, and sometimes it’s hard to just get out of bed.… Read more