I’ve read over 50 self-help books over the last few years. Some were helpful, and some not so much. But one flaw that most of the books have in common – even the good ones – is a tendency to overpromise. They tell you that if you follow their advice, it will bring about dramatic improvements in your life.
If you read a self-help book expecting it to make dramatic changes to your life, you’re inevitably going to be disappointed. That just isn’t realistic. The problem is that even in those cases when the sentence “If you follow this advice, you will dramatically improve your life” is true, it still contains a huge conditional: “if you follow this advice.”
The issue is that you aren’t going to follow the advice. Not all of it. Not enough to make immediate dramatic changes to your life. You are who you are. You can’t simply choose to be a different person, and you can’t just choose to change all your habits.… Read more