What’s easy for some is difficult for others.
This seems obvious, but many tend to forget it.
Beyond knowledge and experience, there are different aptitudes and natural skillsets.
One person may intuitively grasp a task. While another may struggle no matter how much effort, study, and practice they put in.
That’s okay. Different people are good at different things.
But when helping someone, recognize there’s a reason they need help.
What they’re trying is difficult for them, even if you think it’s simple.
If you truly want to help, take the time to understand why they’re having difficulty.
Then suggest solutions that are doable for someone who finds this hard, rather than solutions that work for someone with your level of skill.
We’re good at different things
Imagine Alice grew up tinkering with cars. It’s easy for her.
Bob has no mechanical aptitude and never touched a socket wrench.… Read more