So I’ve finally launched my blog. Hooray! Let me pause to give myself a pat on my back. (Okay, I’m not really doing that, because I have to finish writing this post, then go into the WordPress settings to remove the Coming Soon option. But by the time you read this, it will have been launched.)
Who am I, why did I create this blog, and what is it about? For the long version, you can read the About page. The short version is that I’m someone who has spent the last few years reading dozens of self-help books. I’ve found that some are good, some are bad. Some have useful advice, and some make grandiose claims about how you can instantly make everything about your life different overnight.
This blog will be dedicated to evaluating self improvement books and concepts from a realistic angle. What are practical incremental changes that are genuinely achievable that we can use to make our lives better, a little bit at a time.
As of the time I’m writing this, the site isn’t 100% at the state I’d like it to be. I don’t yet have a logo. I don’t have any incentives for my e-mail sign-up. My social media profiles are all blank.
But some of my rules to live by are “Don’t spend so long researching and planning that you never get around to doing,” “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” and “It is often better to call something good enough and complete it, rather than spend an unreasonable amount of time trying to improve it and never finishing it.”
So I’m putting it out there in the world, knowing that I’ll be making improvements as I go. I assume I’ll always be making improvements to this blog. And really, always making improvements is what this blog is all about.
So I invite you to look around, explore, and give me your constructive feedback, as we share this journey together.
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